step 1:
Play Welcome, Welcome to Bengal Beverages Pvt.Ltd.
step 2:
Select the Language menu Press 1 to speak in Bengali
- Press 2 to speak in Hindi
- Press 3 to speak in English
step 3:
- Press 1 to Cooler complaint
- press 2 for Customer Care
step 4:
Please enter your Mobile Number
- (Outlet mobile number as per jaguar record)
- You Have Entered:(Promt will display the mobile number as you have entered)
- To confirm your mobile number Press 1 else press 2 to re enter.
step 5:
- Please enter the last 6 digits of asset Number
- (Outlet mobile number as per jaguar record)
step 6:
- To confirm your Asset id Press 1 else Press 2
step 7:
- Please select your issue code from menu
- Press 0 for not cooling Press 1 for cooler not working
- Press 2 for Light problem Press 3 for gasket problem
- Press 4 for Stabilizer problem Press 5 for Door problem
step 8:
Your selected issue is (Promt will display the issue description as you have selected)
step 9:
To confirm your issue Press 1 else Press 2 to re enter
step 10:
You have registered your complaint with case Id (XXXXX)